As a business consultant, I've seen many small business owners make the mistake of trying to do everything themselves. While it's understandable that entrepreneurs want to keep costs low, it's important to recognize that certain areas of your business require the expertise of professionals.

In particular, there are four professionals that every small business owner should have in their corner: a banker, accountant, insurance agent, and lawyer. Together, they make up what I like to call BAIL - a crucial support system for any business.

Banker: Your banker can help you with financing options and managing your cash flow. They can also provide advice on credit management and help you establish relationships with other professionals.

Accountant: Your accountant can help you manage your finances, taxes, and bookkeeping. They can also provide insights on financial planning and help you identify areas where you can save money.

Insurance Agent: Your insurance agent can help you protect your business from risks and liabilities. They can help you identify potential risks and provide guidance on the types of insurance policies you may need.

Lawyer: Your lawyer can help you with legal issues and contracts. They can help you navigate legal matters such as intellectual property, contracts, and employment law.

Together, these professionals make up your BAIL support system, and they are essential to the success of your business. Each of these professionals brings a unique set of skills and expertise to the table, and they can help you make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

While it may seem like an added expense to hire these professionals, the benefits they provide can far outweigh the costs. You can have peace of mind knowing that you have a team of experts in your corner.

If you're a small business owner, don't try to do everything yourself. Instead, build a strong support system. They can help you navigate the challenges of running a business and set you up for success. Thank you for reading and mahalo!


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